A query that has not been executed before a specified time (set in 'UnaccessedRunningTimeoutMinutes') in OBIEE, is considered as unattended and it is cancelled by OBIEE.
As per the oracle OBI documentation the default time for a running query (UnaccessedRunningTimeoutMinutes) is 2 minutes. Without updating this setting, the long running query will be consistently cancelled by the OBIEE.
Changes to be done in OBIEE Server:
For example: "\instances\instance1\config\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obips1"

We believe that setting a timeout of 60 minutes at the OBI and BI Connector side would be optimal, assuming that the query execution and data extraction from the OBI side is complete within 60 minutes. Also, reducing the number of columns in the query will likely avoid the query getting cancelled on the OBI side.
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